
Welcome to my digital abode 👋 #

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Introductions are difficult for they require distilling one’s life into a small cluster of words, yet try we must. I’m Filipe, a student based in Porto, Portugal although temporarily living in Utrecht, Netherlands. I love constantly learning new things and facing new problems.

My current work can be split into two major categories which are intrisincally intertwined:

Studies 🎓 #

I’m a final-year student pursuing a Master’s degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto.

Research 💻 #

Education #

Publications #

YOLOMM – You Only Look Once for Multi-modal Multi-tasking. F. Campos, F. Cerqueira, R. Cruz, J. Cardoso (2023). Springer Nature Switzerland Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Applications - Lecture Notes in Computer Science. CIARP 2023

Contact me! #

Hey there! Don’t hesitate to reach out for anything at all, even if it’s just for a quick chat!